Covid-19 US-0 Covid-19 has shown the true colors of many Americans, particularly those of - shudder - Donald Trump. He could care less about the Pandemic, although he give it the old college try in the beginning, but, he wasn't that good in college either. That is correct, this " stable genius " saw it coming in January when he was briefed about it, but he ignored all the warnings and even two months later he was reticent to suggest people quarantine. And it later became a suggestion and he would leave it up to the governors instead of mandated quarantine for all but necessary workers. By leaving it to the governors, we saw Blue states cracking down, while Red States continued to ignore the warnings as if Conservatives were somehow too touch for the virus. Of course, later on, Trump acted as if he was America's savior, but in reality, he was the worst person to handle a large country during a pandemic. As mentioned in John Bolton's book, "In the...