By Robert Rouse
Protests which began in Minneapolis the night of George Floyd's death at the hands (knee) of Derek Chauvin have now spread to countries on four continents. For the first time since Donald Trump took office countries around the world have come together in solidarity against systemic racism, especially when it results in the death of people of color.
Europe has seen its share with protests in places like London, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, and Stockholm. Protests have also erupted in both South Korea and Japan. That's not to mention several cities in Australia and Canada. The nonchalant murder of George Floyd has lit a spark that has erupted into a bonfire as protests have been going non-stop for over a week. And unless certain troublemakers like White Supremacists loot or damage property and try to put the blame on the peaceful protesters, they have remained peaceful.
What we really need is sweeping change in police departments across the country. They need to get rid of the bad apples and replace them with officers who are trained not to look at Blacks as criminals just because their skin is darker. They need to treat everyone the same, with courtesy and understanding. They also need seminars to teach the good cops it is okay to speak up when they see an injustice. If just one of the four men with Chauvin had stepped up and made him stop, George Floyd would be alive today. In Buffalo. NY, instead of doing the right thing, fifty-seven members of the emergency response team quit because two men were suspended for knocking over and hurting a 75 year-old man. That's just saying thse fifty-seven men are supporting the bad cops decision to hurt and old man. No. Instead, they should have immediately gone to man and helped him instead of marching on. Most cops were taught this behavior. Taught generational or by being partnered with the wrong training cop. Unless these cops stop trying to "teach them a lesson" and instead, actually teach them a lesson by examples of kindness and understanding. And no, not every criminal is going to respond, but once you have someone in handcuffs, brute force is no longer needed.
I hope everyone that matters has been paying attention. We are watching. If you see a cop hassling someone of color, pull out your phone and start taking video. If the police tell you to stop, remind them it is your first amendment right and that the courts have ruled in your favor.
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