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Is Donald Trump Evil?

Is Donald Trump Evil? 

By Robert Rouse

Provocative headline?  Absolutely!  But is it a question that needs to be probed?  Definitely.  Within his first one-hundred days as president (lower case "p" with Trump always) Trump proved his xenophobic racism by declaring a ban on Muslims entering the country and although it obviously went against the First Amendment on making no laws pertaining to religion, the Conservative stacked Supreme Court upheld his decision.  Of course this was just his first move and there were many shocking edicts to come down from the self-proclaimed "chosen one".

He has made several decisions that go against common sense when it comes to protecting the environment.  He had the Interior Department open up more land for oil and gas leasing by cutting back protected areas and limiting wildlife protections even allowing drilling in the National Park System.  According to energy and legal analysts, the Trump administration’s environmental rollbacks could significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions and lead to thousands of extra deaths from poor air quality each year.

Our wildlife also faces imminent danger from outlandish Trump decisions.  He is allowing hunters to shoot wolves from helicopters as well as allowing hunters to kill bear cubs, even while they are hibernating.  

And the man smiles with every bad decision he makes.  At times it almost seems as if he wants to piss off Americans.  Perhaps he really doesn't want to be president any longer, but his pride precludes him from quitting.

One of the last things Obama did as President was give health care to Transgender people and perhaps it is due to Trumps intense hatred of Obama, but just today, Friday, June 12, 2020, Trump finalized a regulation rolling back Obama-era protections for transgender Americans against sex discrimination in health care.

According to the new version of the policy, the Department of Health and Human Services will be “returning to the government’s interpretation of sex discrimination according to the plain meaning of the word ‘sex’ as male or female and as determined by biology”.

There is no bottom to the well of Trump's depravity, thus my initial question, is Donald Trump evil?

We know he and his followers are racists.  We know he hates anyone who does not look like him.  He has gone through the long list of accomplishments by President Barack Obama and has been systematically rolling back nearly everything done during the previous administration because Trump is still pissed off to this day that a Black man became President of the United States.

Here is a list from just his first 200 days in office (all 2017).
  • Jan. 20: Trump signed his first executive order seeking prompt repeal of the Affordable Care Act – which to date has not happened. (New York Times)
  • Jan. 23: Trump withdrew from the trans-pacific Partnership, a trade deal between the US and countries on the Pacific Rim. (Washington Post)
  • Feb. 23: The Trump administration withdrew protection for transgender students to use the bathrooms and facilities corresponding to their gender identity. (CNN)
  • Feb. 28: Trump rolled back Obama’s Clean Water Rule, intended to increase the scope of waterways regulated for pollutants.(Washington Post)
  • March 27: Trump signed bills overturning two Obama-era education regulations, including required programs training new teachers and the Every Student Succeeds Act intended to hold schools accountable for student performance.(Washington Post)
  • March 27: Trump rescinded Obama’s 2014 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces meant to apply 14 labor and civil rights laws to federal contractors, who now will no longer have to provide documentation of their workplace practices. (Forbes)
  • March 28: Trump rescinded Obama’s clean energy plans, which put a cap on greenhouse gas emissions by power plants. (New York Times)
  • April 13: Trump revokes an Obama administration rule protecting funding for Planned Parenthood and other organizations that provide legal abortions. (NPR)
  • April 26: Trump signed an executive order giving the Interior Department the power to whittle down or abolish some national monuments, which would effectively reverse Obama’s creation and expansion of national monuments during his term of office.(NPR)
  • April 27: Trump directed the Interior Department to reconsider safety regulations for offshore drilling put in place after the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The executive order was intended to roll back Obama administration attempts to ban drilling off the southeastern Atlantic and Alaskan coasts. (New York Times)
  • April 28: Trump signed an executive order aimed at expanding offshore oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, Atlantic, and possibly Pacific Ocean, scrapping another facet of Obama’s environmental legacy. (Washington Post)
  • May 14: Senate voted to repeal Obama-era regulation that restricted drug-testing for job seekers receiving unemployment benefits. (Politico)
  • June 1: Trump ‘quits’ the Paris Climate Treaty, adopted by Obama in an executive order last year. (New York Times)
  • June 16: Trump outlined a hard-line policy on Cuba, in direct opposition to Obama’s efforts to foster friendlier relations with the communist government of President Raul Castro. (Washington Post)
  • July 3: The Trump administration contested a Obama administration rule qualifying more people to get overtime pay by doubling the minimum salary a worker must make to qualify for a management exemption to $47,000. (Los Angeles Times)
  • Aug. 15: Trump rescinded a flood-risk rule in response to climate change. The rule was intended to insure safer placement of roads, bridges and other infrastructure out of new areas prone to flooding because of sea level rise and increased precipitation. Trump reversed the rule to speed up the approval process for projects. (Los Angeles Times)
  • Aug. 25: Trump signed an order banning transgender troops to serve in the US military, reversing Obama-era reforms. (Politico)
  • Aug. 28: Trump reversed an order banning the transfer of some surplus military equipment to police departments. (NPR)
  • Aug. 29: Trump reversed a rule requiring large companies to report worker pay by race and gender in order to decrease the wage gap through greater pay transparency. (Chicago Tribune)
  • Sept. 5: Trump rescinds the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. (Washington Post)
Of course hating Obama and rolling back or cutting his advancements does not necessarily make Trump evil, this could just come from his hatred of the previous leader.  No, it's all the other things he has done and said that prove he has an evil soul.  Having peaceful citizens tear-gassed and beaten so he could try to prove to his believers that he is really a Christian was evil.  Perhaps I should have
just started there.  But no, he is, as you have read here, a man with no scruples.  If you hadn't figured that out from all his lies, I'm not sure you could be convinced, and if you cannot be convinced, perhaps you are a Trump supporter who would not be swayed if Trump gunned down your family in front of you.


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